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When a dream becomes REALITY.

Dreams that become your future become battle that become His glory!

This month marked 2 years of us walking through this. 2 years, 24 months, 730 days. I know compared to some, our journey at this point is a lot shorter than others. No matter if it's 1, 2, 5, 10+ years, each month seems like an eternity. We started trying in October of 2020. I had been finished with grad school for 5 months, had started my first full-time job with my degree, and it just seemed like great timing. Although 2020 was hard for obvious reasons, honestly, 2020 was a good year for us. Everything seemed like it was falling into place. I got not one, but both of my dream jobs that God so graciously worked out. Only God could have worked out what He did. Fall of 2020 came along and Jv was ready to start trying to have a family. I was honestly scared of trying because I just knew deep down this was something we would have to go through. Call it fear, intuition or the Holy Spirit, but I just knew. Back in 2017 when I went to my endocrinologist after being diagnosed with Hashimotos in 2016, my doctor told me getting pregnant was going to be difficult for me. I remember her saying things like "IF you get pregnant, you can have a lot of complications'' and "IF you do get pregnant, you have a high chance of miscarrying", "IF you get pregnant and carry full term, your baby could potentially have a lot of issues, abnormalities," etc,. As an engaged woman who always had kids in “part of the plan", I left feeling very discouraged. I knew Jv wanted kids and we had always said 3 was the magic number. My mom went with me to the appointment and she told me all the mom things such as "the doctor isn't God'' and "don't worry about that right now, just focus on school and the wedding." Though I knew the doctor wasn't God and was just giving me her medical knowledge, my human mind couldn't help but to store away what she had said. Fast forward to early 2019, we talked and decided we wanted to start trying in the fall of 2019, that way I could have the baby once I graduated. We then decided to wait until winter, then spring, until I finally had convinced him to wait until fall of 2020 to start. August of 2020 I came off birth control to give my body some time to get off the medicine before we started trying. I also started taking prenatal vitamins. I talked to my endocrinologist and gynecologist and filled them in. (why? who knows. Just covering my bases I guess) October of 2020, we officially started trying. I was excited yet terrified. Jv was just plain excited. The first month went by, we were bummed but was to be expected. Second and third month went by and although it takes the average couple around 6 months to conceive, I already felt that fear and discouragement start to creep in. I felt that my fear was becoming my reality.

“Prayer still works! Don't give up on what you're praying for, you're closer than you think!"
“The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working" - James 5:16

That December 1st, Jv had a dream.


"Moriah and I were walking down the street. In the middle of the street was a gift that we were walking to get. As we got close to the gift, a black figure stepped in front of us and started pushing us back. It wouldn’t let us get to the gift and the next thing I knew in the dream was I couldn’t see the gift. As we were getting pushed further and further back a white glowing figure stepped in front of us and began to push the black figure back out of the way. We were walking behind this white glowing figure as it was fighting for us and pushing back the black figure (darkness). As the white figure was pushing Moriah and I were holding hands and could see ourselves getting closer to the gift but couldn’t get to it. We started praying in the dream. Then it ended and I woke up and the spirit of the Lord spoke to me and said this is going to take fervent prayer. I began to pray in the Holy Ghost. Then I went back to sleep." Talk about chilling. He told me the next day as he was pretty shaken up by it, deep down knowing what the "gift" was. We knew this journey was far from over.

“Fervent prayer can be broken down to say this: "The forceful, earnest, heartfelt prayers of a righteous man will shift the season"


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