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I know I just wrote a blog recently, but I had to share this update with everyone who has been following us on this journey! As you may know, Jv had surgery in November. We were told we had a 50/50 chance of the surgery being successful. After much prayer and God making a way financially (literally- go back through the blogs to read how that happened if you haven’t already), we knew he was meant to have the surgery. There was no doubt in my mind that this surgery would help after seeing how God opened all the doors for this to take place. The doctors told us even if the surgery was successful, (meaning it made a slight increase in his numbers), this would take us from under 5% chance of conceiving to 40%. We were also told that if this didn’t work, IVF was the only option. An IUI was out of the question due to his low numbers and them believing the surgery wouldn’t increase them enough to where an IUI was a viable option. We had to wait 3 long months for him to be able to do this post-surgery analysis! He finally had it done on February 16th. He was told it may take up to a week to get his results back. I honestly had peace either way. I knew either the surgery was going to be proven to be successful, or the numbers would not change but God would do it anyway despite the numbers. Well, the NEXT day on the 17th Jv got an email saying his results were in. He pulled up the report and the numbers TRIPLED! We compared the new report to the one before the surgery and WOW. There was a HUGE difference! We went from the doctors telling us we could go to 40% chance to now a 70% chance!! BUT GOD. On Saturday, we were out to lunch for our anniversary when I saw an email from my fertility doctor. She said because there was such a significant increase in his numbers, having an IUI is now an option! We don’t know if we will pursue that route, but it is nice to know there is another option now on the table. The doctors said one thing, but God did exceedingly and abundantly!


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