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October 13th- WOW. Hitting the “post” button to the blog site was one of the most nerve racking things I’ve ever done, but I am SO glad that I did. I was overwhelmed (in the best way) at how many comments, texts and private messages I received from people, some I didn’t know, expressing their gratitude. Reading those messages just confirmed that I did the right thing by being a vessel for God to use my story for others. Like I’ve said before, I don’t want ANY glory for this. It isn’t about me, it’s about helping others by glorifying Him. I became emotional as I began reading messages from others telling their story. Some stories weren’t about infertility, but about other hardships in life that have made people struggle in their faith. The “waiting season” isn’t just about those who are wanting a child, but for those who are waiting for the right person, a marriage to be restored, a financial breakthrough, mental or physical healing, a lost loved one, etc., I was thinking this, this is why I felt led to do this. A lot of the messages I received were from people who I had no idea were struggling. You would never know based on their posts. This reiterated to me that social media is simply a highlight reel of someone’s life. 90% of social media is showing off the good, happy parts of life. It’s rare that someone shows the ugly, hard parts. It’s so easy to compare yourself to others' lives based on their social media. Someone might look like they’re thriving on social media, but in reality they are really just surviving. I can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve posted a smiling face with some happy, cheesy caption but in reality, that day was a hard day. Simply put, just be kind to others. Whether it’s at work, the grocery store, church, the gas station, or wherever it may be, be kind. You truly have no idea what someone may be going through and your smile and kind words (or lack thereof) may be more impactful than you think. Ask yourself this question, “Did people who encountered me today encounter Jesus?”


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