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He is ALWAYS on time

October 18th- Again…. WOW. Ya’ll.. God is good.After posting my blog last week, people started reaching out telling us they felt led to give us money toward our surgery. That wasn’t at all my intention with the post, but I’m sure not going to let someone miss their blessing! Ha! We were amazed at the people who reached out and gave, some people who I haven’t spoken to in years! It’s been truly amazing to sit back and see God using people to let Him show His faithfulness. Talk about people “sitting in the suck” with you! Now, don’t get me wrong, accepting money from people was HARD. We realized how hard it was to set aside our pride and let people bless us. It took a lot of humbling ourselves and being okay with the fact that we simply cannot afford something like that at this time. Jv and I were constantly discussing how bad we felt “taking” their money, but of course everyone assured us it wasn't taking their money if they’re offering it, rather accepting their blessing. (still extremely hard and uncomfortable but such a tremendous blessing). A family friend of ours who is actually more family than anything called late last week and told us to tell them what we owed before Tuesday and they would cover the rest. They said they didn’t want us to worry about the money for the surgery, so they wanted to take that stress off of us. Talk about a blessing! We know that family meant every word, but deep down we knew somehow, God was going to make a way without having them have to pay the rest off. Though I know they truly wouldn’t have thought twice about it and wanted to do it, Jv and I both felt bad for even thinking about accepting that much money from someone. Though we know it was truly out of the kindness of their own heart, it just didn’t seem right to do! It did make us feel much better knowing that if it came down to it, we did have that option. Jv believed though that God was going to make a way beforehand so we wouldn't have to. He said he believed he was going to be able to call and tell them a huge thank you, but we don’t need it.


Let me jump to yesterday morning. Yesterday morning Jv and I woke up and we discussed how we needed $1,780 by today (10/18). Today is the day we have to pay in full for Jv’s surgery. Honestly, neither of us were in a panic, rather logistically talking it through. I thought for a minute, “Shouldn’t I be panicking? We have 24 hours to come up with $1,800.” That would probably send a person without faith spiraling into an anxious mess. Jv and I both felt a peace that God was going to provide. We ended the conversation with Jv saying, “I really feel like God is just going to provide today. I don’t know how, but He will.” Yesterday went on and it was about 3 o'clock and I was in a session with a student. My phone started blowing up with calls and texts. I looked and it was JV. Now, he knows better than to call during the day because I am usually with a student, so I was thinking this better be important! I ended the session a few minutes early to call him back, and before I could even say “hello” he was going off on the other end. Apparently when he emailed the doctor to confirm how to pay today, someone emailed back apologizing saying they canceled his surgery. So, if you know Jv, you probably know how this went. (lol) He called the office and spoke to the lady who sent the email. She apologized again and said because Christian Health Care denied it, she assumed we couldn’t pay and without asking, she canceled the surgery. She acknowledged her mistake and said she should have called and asked us first before going ahead and canceling it. Of course, Jv was livid.Let’s just say, that poor woman had a bad afternoon! She told Jv she was going to try and squeeze him back in for that day, and of course he told her that was no such thing as trying, but that he would be there that day. Haha. As of right now, we are still waiting to hear back to see if they are going to squeeze him back in on the original date, or if he is going to get a new one. Bless whoever has to be the bearer of bad news if they tell him it’s pushed back. He got so angry for a while, but honestly when he told me, I wasn’t phased. (I think this made him more angry.. haha) but honestly, as cheesy or cliche this sounds, I know God’s hand is all over this. Everything we think is a “set back” I know is all a part of the plan and I’m just sitting back watching it unfold. As this was taking place, my best friend who had reached out a few days ago telling me she wanted to give us some money venmoed Jv a good chunk of money. We were both in shock at her generosity and the random amount she decided to send. This (obviously) calmed Jv down as he was reminded God is faithful no matter what and He is going to make a way.

Fast forward to last night, we had a leaders meeting to discuss this weekend’s fall retreat. We had a good time of eating and fellowship and ended with a meeting and prayer over the weekend. As we were cleaning up and getting ready to leave, I saw our youth leaders congregating in the kitchen. This always means something is up! They came out with a card and surrounded us. At this point I figured what they were doing and I was overwhelmed (again, I become very awkward when the attention is on me) lol. But they said some very kind words and told us they felt led to do this for us, and told us even some teens have given their own money to go toward this. Jv was emotional as always (ha!) but kept it mostly together. For me, as always, I was emotionless on the outside but on the inside I had 1,000 thoughts and emotions swirling around in my head. After the fact, I of course psychoanalyzed myself and came to the conclusion that the reason I don’t show much emotion in an emotional situation is because as a therapist, I have to be the steady one. I have to hold what feels like a million emotions in the room and be steady. Whether that’s it or not, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. Anyways, we hugged and thanked them and finished cleaning up. As I was pulling out of the parking lot, Jv called me and said “BABE! You know how we needed $1,780 this morning, right? Well, today we received $1,800.” What! Talk about a God thing!!!! I mean, you can’t deny God isn’t working when He makes it so evident. We got home and began calling and texting loved ones telling them about the goodness of God. We truly pray and believe that whoever sowed into us will be rewarded by their faithfulness. Words can’t describe how overwhelmed we feel toward those who gave. We are so extremely grateful, “thank you” doesn’t feel quite enough! Jv was able to do what he wanted to do, call back that family and tell them thank you, but God worked it out and we didn’t need what they offered to do. Sometimes God just loves to show up and show out, even if the timing makes you sweat a little bit, lol! I’ve had the old song “He’s an on Time God” playing in my head all day!

Also, update! Since I began this blog Jv spoke with the doctor and his surgery is still set for the 18th! They squeezed us in and we paid in full today thanks to those who gave. God is good!


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