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The WHY behind our blogging.

"For we walk by FAITH, and not by sight" - 2 Corinthians 5:7

I was talking to my parents about why I felt led to do this, and I started to explain how hard I feel like it is for Christians in particular to walk through this. I touched on it in a previous blog, but I feel like more needs to be said. As Christians, we are taught to always trust God no matter what. Never doubt. Never question God. So what if you find yourself doubting and questioning Him? Does that mean you are any less of a Christian? Have I trusted God throughout this entire process? Yes. I cognitively know He won’t fail me and His timing is perfect, but have I also had times where I doubted His timing and questioned what He was doing? Absolutely. On top of the pain of what we are going through, I then felt guilty for having these thoughts and questions. After last week and the roller coaster of emotions that came with it, I couldn’t help but feel mad. I asked Jv if it was okay to be mad at God. I don't know, is it??


I knew what I felt but I also knew the God I served. It would be so easy to get mad and give up. I have all these thoughts of “God, we would raise our children in a Godly, loving home, why do “______” get to have a child and we don’t? I know they aren’t going to raise them in a Godly home!” but throughout the questions, I know God is faithful. How can I say that when we haven’t gotten what we wanted yet? Because He’s done it time and time again. Jv preached a while back on spiritual amnesia. He explained spiritual amnesia as where you get so caught up in your current situation, that you forget about God’s previous blessings. This hit me as I was listening, I realized that I myself was walking in spiritual amnesia. I had forgotten how time and time again God has worked things out the way only He could. This is why I am writing everything about this journey down, as I know down the road and I have my “promise”, I don’t want to have spiritual amnesia the next time we are faced with a difficult situation. .


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